Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 4, 2007 22:38:41 GMT -5
*laughs* "Come to the dark side! We have cookies!" "b.but...but..cookies are good! Surely they'd be on the light side!" "No....for they have many calories!" "...NOOOOOOOOOO!" "Hey! That's MY line!"...I was messing with my friend this morning before school starts with this conversation.
Post by trombe on Jun 4, 2007 22:45:41 GMT -5
Yeah. Sounds about like what a Star Wars fan would say.
Tell you what. If you can spot me during Anime-Expo I'll give you one of our well used (But also well taken care of) FX lightsabers as a gift. From one star wars fan to another.
Post by Luqkim... on Jun 4, 2007 23:28:05 GMT -5
Gah, we need to start talking about other SW Video games instead of only KOTOR.
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 4, 2007 23:49:16 GMT -5
Lol. Yeah. Sounds about like what a Star Wars fan would say. Tell you what. If you can spot me during Anime-Expo I'll give you one of our well used (But also well taken care of) FX lightsabers as a gift. From one star wars fan to another. I will find you. And we will re-enact scenes of Star Wars while cosplaying..it'll be great. I'll introduce you to Leon...he knows Star Wars probably about as well as you do (drove our English teacher nuts because his vocab story used the word 'rancor' as a Star Wars rancor instead of the typical word).
Post by trombe on Jun 5, 2007 0:16:20 GMT -5
Lol. Sounds like fun.
Its always nice to meet fellow SW fans outside of the 501st.
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 5, 2007 0:28:07 GMT -5
^_^ But we're going to need a code or something dorky like that to ensure that we aren't accidentally talking to the wrong people. That could be awkward.
Yoda CG or Yoda as a puppet?
Post by clayton on Jun 5, 2007 15:40:17 GMT -5
*Uses the Schwartz* This is not the target you're looking for. Go back... kill Luke... "I am not the weak minded fool you take me to belive" - Tyber Zann, after Nightsister Silri tried to use the mind trick on him Yeah, it didn't work, sayenara sucker! *BOOM* *Actually becomes more powerful than he could possibly imagine* The hell? Whoa? And here I thought that was all bupkiss! *Wipes Luke from existence* Yee haw !
Post by Luke Danger on Jun 5, 2007 15:46:11 GMT -5
*after a blinding light, you see me, cloaked in a blue sheild of the Force* I don't think so, *blows the KiGo demon back to KiGo hell, whats left of it...*
Today's SW quote: from: Star Wars: X-Wing: Iorn Fist
"Roof" "Roof? What not the vechicle hanger?" "About Face! Forward March!" *Wes and Face walk into athe turbo lift and crash into the wall as Wedge presses the Turbo lift bouton to the roof*
-Wedge Antilies, sending Wes Janson and Face up to the roof for asking Wedge if he was going to go date Iella
Post by clayton on Jun 5, 2007 15:50:59 GMT -5
*Smirks* Seems like someody is compensating. You really didn't believe Yoda when he told you that "size matters not" that time he saw you naked, did you?
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 5, 2007 15:54:56 GMT -5
*ahem* Hate to break up your little...chat...but...I can't tell if you guys are arguing or just messing around.
Post by Luke Danger on Jun 5, 2007 16:02:55 GMT -5
Yeah, check the last name flyboy. And I honestly don't know if we are arguing or messing around myself
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 5, 2007 16:35:35 GMT -5
Mm...I do not want to offend anyone, but then, if you're unsure, perhaps we should steer it to more uh...neutral or common place ground? (Manaan sound good? ...joke. Bad joke, but a joke nonetheless).
Post by Luke Danger on Jun 5, 2007 16:41:15 GMT -5
Mm...I do not want to offend anyone, but then, if you're unsure, perhaps we should steer it to more uh...neutral or common place ground? (Manaan sound good? ...joke. Bad joke, but a joke nonetheless). Actually, it was preety good
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 5, 2007 16:49:05 GMT -5
Thanks. So, how about them selkath?
How about your least favorite species from Star Wars?
Post by Luke Danger on Jun 5, 2007 16:51:16 GMT -5
They arn't bad them Selkath, and my the least favorite species is the Killik's, what they do is, well *pukes* It is a good thing Lando make Bug-Cruncher droids
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 5, 2007 16:58:03 GMT -5
...Okay...I don't think I want to know. Not if your reaction to them makes you do...that.
Post by Luke Danger on Jun 5, 2007 20:00:27 GMT -5
Ok Adimiral Onasi...
Post by destinyinevitable on Jun 5, 2007 20:10:26 GMT -5
I am not Carth Onasi. Nor do I wish to be....but if I met him I'd glomp him in a hearbeat. ....too bad I couldn't stand his kid.
Post by Luke Danger on Jun 5, 2007 20:21:03 GMT -5
I was kidding! And what in blazes is glomping?
Post by Luqkim... on Jun 5, 2007 20:24:06 GMT -5
Hey, anyone of you read the Thrawn Saga?